Autumn Sonata
110’ (no intermission)
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Grzegorz Wiśniewski deals with one of the most canonical film scripts by Ingmar Bergman, and Danuta Stenka plays perhaps the most important role in Ingrid Bergman's oeuvre. Charlotte, a world-famous pianist, after a long absence, comes to the house of her daughter Eva, who is trying to follow in her footsteps. The confrontation between the two women exposes their fears and the mutual dependencies hidden from the world.
With “Autumn Sonata” Grzegorz Wiśniewski proves that in the field of psychological theatre, which analyses emotions of characters in the most detailed way, he has no equal in Poland. . Danuta Stenka, proves that she is an actress capable of exceptional tasks, by creating a shocking performance for which she has already received the most important acting awards of the season, including one at the Festival of Acting Art in Kalisz and the Zelwerowicz Prize awarded by the editors of the “Teatr” monthly magazine.

Section Biała strzałka w prawo
Premiered on 10 October 2020
Mirek Kaczmarek
set design, costumes, lighting design
Agnieszka Stulgińska
Danuta Stenka
Zuzanna Szaporznikow
Jan Englert