fot. M. Hueckel
Anna Smolar
Text author:
Natalia Fiedorczuk
Karolina Adamczyk, Michał Czachor, Anna Ilczuk, Andrzej Kłak, Anna Smolar, Julian Świeżewski
monologues and dialogues
170’ – 1 intermission

Remembered for her work in several previous editions of the festival, the director (who recently presented Halka rebelling against her tradition-bound fate at the National Stary Theatre in Kraków) once again empathically and understandingly approaches the condition of contemporary women with but a subtle sense of detachment. The script draws from Marek Hłasko’s classic tale of The Loop, its adaptation by Wojciech Jerzy Has, and actor improvisations. The production revolves around the issue of alcoholism, but from the perspective of co-dependent women. The play also provides insight into the dynamics within the theatre here and now, in various ways, including expressive dance, highlighting the enduring presence of patriarchy and situations permeated with violence, whether explicitly articulated or subtly applied. Nonetheless, the creative team refrain from passing judgment, showing compassion towards all the characters. While the limelight is on Anna Ilczuk’s outstanding performance culminating in a poignant final monologue encapsulating contemporary female anxieties and evoking tears from the audience, the collaborative effort of the Teatr Powszechny ensemble is what counts.

→ after the performance, a meeting with the creators led by: Katarzyna Niedurny

Fot. Magda Hueckel

Section Biała strzałka w prawo
Anna Met
sets and costumes
Karolina Kraczkowska
Enchanted Hunters (Magdalena Gajdzica, Małgorzata Penkalla)
Monika Stolarska
Marta Szlasa-Rokicka
assistant director
Zofia Ratasiewicz
assistant scenographer
Zofia Marciniak
stage manager
Karolina Adamczyk, Michał Czachor, Anna Ilczuk, Andrzej Kłak, Karolina Kraczkowska (gościnnie), Julian Świeżewski